Alabama Supreme Court Justice Sarah Stewart running for chief justice

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Sarah Stewart running for chief justice

Alabama Supreme Court Associate Justice Sarah Stewart has announced she is running for chief justice of the nine-member court next year.

Voters elected Stewart to the Supreme Court in 2018. She is a Republican who was a circuit court judge in Mobile for 13 years before her election to the Supreme Court.

Stewart is seeking the seat that will come open when Chief Justice Tom Parker’s term ends. Parker cannot seek reelection because Alabama law prohibits judges from being elected or appointed after age 70. The party primary will be March 5, 2024.

“I am humbled by and take seriously the faith Alabama citizens placed in me by electing me to the trial court bench three times and then to the highest court in our state in 2018,” Stewart said in a statement on her campaign website. “I work daily to ensure the law is applied justly and consistently. I have done my best to serve Alabama with honor and integrity and hope to have the privilege to continue to serve in the role as chief justice.”

Stewart was appointed circuit judge by Gov. Bob Riley in 2006 and was then elected circuit judge in 2006, 2010, and 2016. Before becoming a judge, Stewart practiced law for 14 years in Mobile.

Republicans hold all nine seats on the Alabama Supreme Court.

Alabama Political Reporter reported on Stewart’s announcement.