Amanda Walker: Taylor, Taylor, Taylor...

Amanda Walker: Taylor, Taylor, Taylor…

This is an opinion column

I like Taylor Swift as much as the next person, possibly more. She seems to be a nice person. She is probably generous and helpful and courteous and kind. She is attractive. She is fit. She smiles a lot. But the media – both the original and the social – are obsessed with her.

As I mentioned, I have nothing against Taylor Swift, but I do not intentionally follow her in any manner…because like most women, I have a family and home to keep. I do not have time to follow much of anything, let alone a popstar. But I will admit, as far as popstars go, Taylor is one of them. She can sing, dance, shake, and look good doing it. Dare I say, she has style, plus she just won a Grammy for album of the year. She’s popular.

And this latest man she is dating, Travis Kelce, I’m sure he is a wonderful person too. He obviously knows how to play football, as does his brother. His mother is very supportive, like mothers are, so naturally everybody likes her. They seem to be a lovely family.

There is little doubt Kelce seems a might different than some of the many nice young men Taylor has dated. She dated one guy – I read a paragraph about it in a magazine at the dentist office some time back – that occasionally goes out wearing a dress. Call it a premonition, but I felt right then that there might be a touch of incompatibility in that temporary paradise. But this with Kelce looks different…as it continuously keeps being put before us repeatedly to see. It seems either completely planned or seriously sincere. Once a woman matches her lipstick to a man’s jersey color, it serves as evidence of a deep bond between two people. It isn’t a mortgage and a couple of kids proof, but close.

I would not be the least bit surprised if Kelce gets down on one knee and proposes during the halftime show of the Super Bowl.

My only question is whether he will do it midfield, or if he will push Usher off the stage and take over the show.

It’s exciting. I bet football fans cannot wait. It is hard to believe football ever had an audience prior to Taylor’s arrival. I wonder if players will continue to hike the ball when she’s gone.

Once she wraps up saving the National Football League, it seems she may be headed over to save President Biden’s reelection campaign. Which makes sense. In fact, if you think about it, Taylor might could even take his place on the ballot…if she was old enough.

Not that I am questioning the contributions or value of Vice President Kamala Harris, goodness no, but I have not heard anything in the news being parroted about Harris saving her and President Biden’s reelection campaign, I have only heard that Taylor Swift could possibly salvage the Biden reelection effort.

I think we can all agree his campaign could use a breath of fresh enthusiasm, and they have had to watch like the rest of us what she has been able to do with the NFL in just one season.

Once she gets a grip on President Biden and his stumbling, bumbling, and forgetting, then solves the Bidenomics equation, you know where she needs to head next? She needs to fly down to the southern border of the United States where the migrant crisis continues to flourish. It looks like it could use a savior too.

Amanda Walker is a columnist and contributor with, Selma Times Journal, Thomasville Times, West Alabama Watchman, and Alabama Gazette. Contact her at [email protected] or at