Mike Rogers to chair House Armed Services, in first for Alabama

Mike Rogers to chair House Armed Services, in first for Alabama

United States Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) announced that he will lead the House of Representatives’ Armed Forces Committee Tuesday.

Rogers will be the first congressperson from Alabama to chair the committee.

“Our nation faces unprecedented threats from China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. In order to deter these threats and remain the most feared force in the world — we must ensure that our military focuses on lethality and capability,” Rogers wrote in a press release. “Over the next two years, the House Armed Services Committee will provide our warfighters with the resources and weapons they need to deter and, if necessary, defeat any adversary anywhere in the world.”

Read more: Rogers calls altercation with Matt Gaetz during House Vote a ‘nothing burger.’

Rogers also wrote he would “leave no stone unturned in holding the Biden administration accountable.”

“The committee will also hold the Biden administration accountable for misguided policies that distract from the core mission of the Department of Defense. Initiatives that service a social agenda but don’t advance our national security will be scrutinized,” Rogers wrote.

Monday, Rogers also said he would step down from the House GOP Steering Committee, which controls which representatives get selected for leadership positions. On Tuesday, though, he reversed himself, according to POLITICO’s Olivia Beavers.

Rogers also made headlines for confronting Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on the House floor following the 14th vote for Speaker. Rogers was held back by Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.).

Rogers has apologized to Gaetz publicly since the incident.