Alabama House elects Nathaniel Ledbetter as speaker; Greg Reed re-elected Senate pro tem

Alabama House elects Nathaniel Ledbetter as speaker; Greg Reed re-elected Senate pro tem

Alabama lawmakers elected leaders for the new four-year term during an organizational session today, decisions that came without any opposition.

There were no surprises as the House of Representatives picked Rep. Nathaniel Ledbetter, a Republican from Rainsville, as the new speaker. The Senate re-elected Sen. Greg Reed, R-Jasper, as the president pro tem, the top position in the chamber.

Ledbetter replaces Speaker Mac McCutcheon, who did not seek another term. Ledbetter’s election today was expected because the Republican caucus, which holds 77 of the 105 House seats, had nominated Ledbetter in November. Today on the House floor, Ledbetter received 102 votes with no audible opposition during the roll-call, voice voting.

“It’s likely one of the greatest honors that will ever be afforded me in the time God grants me on earth,” Ledbetter said after the vote.

Ledbetter was first elected to the Legislature in 2014 and had been majority leader since 2017. Ledbetter worked for more than 30 years for Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative. He and his wife are the former owners of the Mountain Valley News newspaper in Rainsville. He is a former mayor and city council member in Rainsville.

The new speaker said Alabama has made progress in education, jobs and economic growth, mental health, and the expansion of access to high-speed internet in rural areas. But he said more can be done in all those areas. He said Alabama needs to help improve the adoption process.

“Too many children still crave the sense of security that only a stable home and loving parents provide. We have got to do more,” Ledbetter said.

The speaker quoted scripture and urged his colleagues to put consideration of others ahead of selfish interests.

“Together, we can take Alabama to its highest heights. I look forward to working with each of you to make that happen,” Ledbetter said.

The House elected Rep. Chris Pringle, R-Mobile, as speaker pro tem. Pringle replaces Rep. Victor Gaston, R-Mobile, who did not seek another term.

In the Senate, Reed retained the position of pro tem he has held since 2021 when Sen. Del Marsh stepped aside from that post. The Senate reelected Reed today on a unanimous 35-0 vote.

“It’s been a great honor of my life to be a member of the Alabama Senate and to be elected as the president pro tem is a great privilege,” said Reed, who was first elected to the Senate in 2010. “I think we’ve accomplished good things in the tenure that I’ve been in this role in the last couple of years. We’ve got much more to move forward to focus on as the members are all working on topics that are important to them.”

Sen. Clay Scofield, R-Guntersville, returns to his position as majority leader in the Senate. Sen. Bobby Singleton, D-Greensboro, remains the minority leader. Both were picked by their caucuses.

The organizational session continues on Tuesday. Lawmakers will not consider bills during the organizational session. The regular session begins in March.