Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office reports 38 percent drop in homicide investigations in 2022

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office reports 38 percent drop in homicide investigations in 2022

Crime in unincorporated Jefferson County dropped 5 percent in 2022, with a double digit decrease in homicides, according to sheriff’s officials.

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday released its crime statistics for last year, which included a 38 percent reduction in homicides.

Sheriff’s detectives investigated 21 homicides in 2022, compared to 34 the previous year. Those numbers include homicides that happened in unincorporated Jefferson County and in some smaller cities – such as Fairfield and Brighton – that were investigated by the sheriff’s office.

Officials said the reduction in homicides is a five-year low.

In all of Jefferson County, 194 homicides countywide in 2022, compared to 213 in 2021. Those numbers include 144 homicides in Birmingham, which was the highest in recent history.

According to JCSO’s numbers, the crimes of aggravated assault, arson, burglary, homicide, rape, robbery and theft also saw declines in 2022.

The crime categories of unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle and vehicle theft both increases.

Here is a look at the numbers:

– Aggravated assaults dropped from 135 in 2021 to 95 in 2022 for a 30 percent decrease.

– Arson cases dropped from 26 in 2021 to 15 in 2022 for a 42 percent decrease.

– Burglaries dropped from 668 in 2021 to 608 in 2022 for a 9 percent decrease.

– Homicides dropped from 34 in 2021 to 21 in 2022 for a 38 percent decrease.

– Rapes dropped from 57 in 2021 to 43 in 2022 for a 25 percent decrease.

– Robberies dropped from 109 in 2021 to 90 in 2022 for a 17 percent decrease.

– Thefts dropped from 1,807 in 2021 to 1,669 in 2022 for an 8 percent decrease.

– Unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle cases increased from 561 in 2021 to 626 in 2022 for a 12 percent increase.

– Vehicle thefts increase from 344 in 2021 to 380 in 2022 for a 10 percent increase.