AHSAA bowling: Stanhope Elmore, Southside girls are top seeds

AHSAA bowling: Stanhope Elmore, Southside girls are top seeds

Stanhope Elmore High School senior Peyton Warner followed games of 154 and 132 pins Thursday with a girls’ state-record tying 289 in the final game to jump into the limelight as the ninth annual AHSAA State Bowling Championships got underway at the Bowlero Bowling Center in Mobile.

Coach Bridget Wilson’s Mustangs jumped all the way from third place in the traditional bowling competition after Round 2 in the Class 6A/7A division to the No. 1 seed with a powerful 990 team score. Stanhope Elmore finished the traditional bowling with a 2,552 series to earn the No. 1 seed for Friday’s Baker format best-of-7 series championship bracket. Southside earned No. 1 seed in the Class 1A/5A division with a 2,408 team score.

The girls opened the state tourney Thursday morning with five players for each team rolling three traditional rounds. The total pins for the five starters (and substitutes if inserted) provided each team’s final score.

Warner’s final game that tied the record set by Thompson’s Jillian Hulsey in the 2019 state tournament gave her a 575 series and teammate Samantha Wilson rolled a 203 as the Mustangs jumped past Thompson and Sparkman, which were 1-2 after Round 1. Thompson was consistent all day with senior Ella Walker earning medalist honors with the best girls’ series in 6A/7A. She had games of 196, 231 and 205 to finish with a 632 series.

The Warriors’ team total was 2,550 – just two pins behind Stanhope Elmore. Sparkman finished with 2,503 pins to earn the third seed. Baker’s Eva Baum, also a senior, recorded a 192-198-233 – 623 series to finish second in the individual competition. Warner was third and James Clemens’ Rebekah Wagner had a 574 series to finish one pin behind Warner in fourth place.

Southside claims top seed in 1A/5A division

Southside seventh-grader Cora Clontz was the picture of consistency with traditional rounds of 179-207-203 to finish with a 589 series to earn medalist honors. Her team was also just as consistent with Coach Zachary Blume’s Panthers earning No. 1 seed with a 2,408 total. Brayleigh Peppers also finished 10th in the individual scoring with a 489 series.

Scottsboro finished 18 pins back with a 2,390 team total to take No. 2 seed. Coach Matthew Brewer’s Wildcats were led by eighth-grader Sydney Moore, who finished third in the individual scoring with a 227-159-186 – 572 series. Her 227 was the top game with Sipsey Valley junior Sierra Knight in second just six pins behind Clontz with a 583 series. She rolled the top single game with a 236 in Round 2.

The Class 1A/5A Baker format Championship Bracket also gets underway Friday at 8 a.m. The two girls’ divisions will be bowling simultaneously with the boys’ championship rounds expected to get underway at 1 p.m. Friday.

The state championship final matches will be live streamed over the NFHS Network and the AHSAA TV Network, produced by WOTM-TV.

Complete bowling results from the AHSAA State Championships will be posted each day upon completion of the competition at this link.

2024 AHSAA State Bowling Championships

Bowlero Bowling Center, Mobile

Thursday’s Results

(Final first-round results)

Girls’ Traditional Round

Team Ranking


1. Southside – 757-822-829 – 2,408

2. Scottsboro – 821-765-804 – 2,390

3. East Limestone – 697-845-833 – 2,375

4. Marbury – 777-805-652 – 2,334

5. Beauregard – 730-804-754 – 2,288

6. Sipsey Valley – 732-787-750 – 2,269

7. Orange Beach – 700-652-602 – 1,954

8. Springville – 699-537-644 – 1,880

Friday’s Championship Bracket Pairings

First Round

Southside vs. Springville

Marbury vs. Beauregard

East Limestone vs. Sipsey Valley

Scottsboro vs. Orange Beach


Cora Clontz, Southside – 179-207-203 – 589

Sierra Knight, Sipsey Valley – 156-236-191 – 583

Sydney Moore, Scottsboro – 227-159-186 – 572

Hannah Parham, Beauregard – 161-212-178 – 551

Carolanne Wilson, East Limestone – 136-211-195 – 542

Trinity Poe, Marbury – 162-237-142 – 540

Surina Patel, Scottsboro – 138-200-180 – 518

Callie Thrasher, East Limestone – 151-182-184 – 517

Ava Rhodes, Marbury – 167-196-136 – 499

Brayleigh Peppers, Southside – 178-159-152 – 489


Round 1: Sydney Moore, Scottsboro – 227

Round 2: Trinity Poe, Marbury – 236

Round 3: Cora Clontz, Southside – 203

Team Ranking


Team Ranking

1. Stanhope Elmore – 827-735-990 – 2,552

2. Thompson – 810-887-863 – 2,550

3. Sparkman – 859-821-823 – 2,503

4. Oak Mountain – 757-822-829 – 2,225

5. Baker – 651-742-806 – 2,199

6. American Christian – 713-758-683 – 2,154

7. Hewitt-Trussville – 682-682-733 – 2,097

8. James Clemens – 639-749-644 – 2,032

Friday’s Championship Bracket Pairings

First Round

Stanhope Elmore vs. James Clemens

Oak Mountain vs. Baker

Sparkman vs. American Christian

Thompson vs. Hewitt-Trussville


Ella Walker, Thompson – 196-231-205 – 632

Evie Baum, Baker – 192-198-233 – 623

Peyton Warner, Stanhope Elmore – 154-132-289 – 575

Rebekah Wagner, James Clemens – 160-213-201 – 574

Emma Roberson, Thompson – 180-183-183 – 546

Taylor Enfinger, Sparkman – 190-163-185 – 538

Alyssa Ward, Stanhope Elmore – 181-161-188 – 530

Jenna Webber, Sparkman – 177-169-183 – 529

Sophie Leonard, Thompson – 152-179-191 – 522

Deborah Stovall, Hewitt-Trussville – 176-176-168 – 520


Round 1: Ella Walker, Thompson – 196

Round 2: Ella Walker, Thompson – 231

Round 3: Peyton Warner, Stanhope Elmore – 289