Some Alabama roads still have icy patches, authorities say

Some Alabama roads still have icy patches, authorities say

Counties throughout North Alabama continue to deal with icy roads Monday morning, nearly a week after arctic temperatures began depositing ice and snow throughout the region.

Some north Alabama school systems have announced that they will remain closed on Monday, due to persistent issues related to recent snow and ice.

Meanwhile, thousands of Alabama residents across multiple counties in the north part of the state are facing ongoing complications from freezing weather.

According to the National Weather Service, temperatures throughout North Alabama should climb to the high 40s and could reach as high as 50 in some areas.

The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is warning drivers of conditions in these counties:


State and Federal roadways have ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT.  The county roads have ice and snow in spots throughout the county and motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling the roadways.

Lawrence County

State and Federal roadways have ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT. The county has a travel advisory for the county roads due to black ice.  

Franklin County

State and Federal roadways have ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT. All county roads have ice and snow present on the roadway with them still being deemed impassable.

Colbert County

State and Federal roadways have ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT. Per Colbert 911 all roadways are considered impassable.

Marion County

State and Federal roadways have ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT. Marion County has issued extreme caution advisory for black ice.

Winston County

State and Federal roadways have ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT.  Winston County has a travel advisory for isolated icy spots.

Lamar County

State and Federal roadways have ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT.  Lamar County has icy spots on county roads.  

Fayette County

State and Federal roadways are covered with ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT. Fayette County has issued a travel advisory for shaded areas on the county roads. 

Walker County

State and Federal roadways are covered with ice in spots with most of them being cleared and treated by ALDOT.  Walker County is advising motorists to use caution while traveling on the roadways. 

Limestone County

  • Icy patches on shaded areas of county roadways. Cox Road & Blue Springs Drive, and Harvest Road & Batrumville Road are impassable.

Morgan County

  • Icy patches on shaded areas of county roadways. Childers Road and Bird Springs Road are closed.

Cullman County

  • Icy patches on shaded areas of county roadways.

Blount County

  • Icy patches on shaded areas of county roadways.

Madison County

  • County roads in the north part of county are icy. Charley Patterson Road is impassable. Winchester Road near Honey Drive to the state line is covered. Old Big Cove Road, Darwin Road and Meridianville Bottom Road are icy.

Marshall County

  • Some secondary county roads are icy.

Jackson County

  • Alabama 117 is closed from the 45 Mile Marker to the Tennessee state line. Alabama 117 is closed from AL 91 to County Road 14. Alabama 73 in Bryant is closed. County roads are still icy.