Eli Gold shares funny Saban moment that felt like hypodermic needle was shoved into his spine

Eli Gold shares funny Saban moment that felt like hypodermic needle was shoved into his spine

There was a time, believe it or not, when people around the state of Alabama were unaware that Nick Saban doesn’t like questions comparing players.

Today, it is common knowledge, which illustrates just how long Saban, who announced his retirement on Wednesday, has led Alabama as the Crimson Tide’s football coach.

Eli Gold found out the hard way.

The Voice of the Crimson Tide, who joined me on “The Opening Kickoff” on WNSP-FM 105.5 on Wednesday, reminisced about his interactions with the legendary coach. A couple of moments stood out.

“It felt like someone had taken a hypodermic needle and shoved it into my spine with ice water in the syringe,” Gold said. “That’s what it felt like.”

Always the wordsmith, Gold was describing an interview where he asked the then-first-year Alabama coach about two running backs on his roster. Gold doesn’t remember exactly which two running backs, but chances are it was some combination of Terry Grant, Glen Coffee and Roy Upchurch.

When the interview was over, Gold said, Saban said, “Now, that was a stupid question.’ I said coach we don’t seen them in practice, and he arched his eyebrows.”

At that point, Gold said, he took the L.

“You know what, back off, I told myself,” Gold said. “You aren’t going to win that battle.”

Gold, of course, had nothing but positive things about the 72-year-old Saban. The coach’s focus, preparation and drive “made me a better broadcaster,” the play-by-play veteran admits.

“I was always a little bit on edge interviewing him.”

Still, Gold has a number of funny stories about his interactions over the years with Saban.

During a segment of “Hey Coach,” a woman called in to talk to Saban, and he gave his usual thoughtful answer.

“As he finished his answer, I jumped in,” he remembers. “I cut him off at the last of his answer and I said, ‘Ma’am, see? Folks, this is the real Nick Saban. This is the Nick Saban we know, those of us that work with on a regular basis. He cares about people, feels for them.

“‘He really genuinely is a nice man.’”

That’s when Saban jumped in.

“’What you’re saying is I’m normally a schmuck,’” Gold said of Saban’s reaction.

It’s stories like those that will stay with Gold, but he stressed there was always something to gain from being around Saban.

“If you are around Nick Saban and if you don’t learn something, it’s not his fault,” Gold explained. “It’s your fault because he has so much to impart, so much life experience and to share that if you don’t soak it up like a sponge, that’s your fault.”

Mark Heim is a reporter for The Alabama Media Group. Follow him on Twitter @Mark_Heim. He can be heard on “The Opening Kickoff” on WNSP-FM 105.5 FM in Mobile or on the free Sound of Mobile App from 6 to 9 a.m. daily.