123123: Why last day of 2023, 12/31/23, is special

123123: Why last day of 2023, 12/31/23, is special

The end of a new year is always a special time but Dec. 31, 2023 is especially unique.

12/31/23 can also be written 123123. The last time the year ended with 123123 was 100 years ago in 1923; it won’t happen again until another 100 years – Dec. 31, 2123.

For followers of numerology, the belief that numbers have a divine relationship with events, recurring numbers are considered “Master Numbers,” or “Angel Numbers,” the Farmer’s Almanac reported. Such numbers are a sign your guides are looking out for you and typically indicate positive energy and optimism.

Also, the numbers 123123 added together equal 12, which is considered a “master number that can mean spiritual enlightenment,” according to the Farmer’s Almanac.

Once 123123 is past, 2024 will bring other interesting dates as well.

There will be 10 palindrome dates – a time when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and forward – from April 20-29, 2024. 2024 is also Leap Year, with an extra day – Feb. 29 – added to the calendar giving the year 366 days. That extra day is added every four years to keep the calendar aligned correctly with the astronomical seasons, since a year according to the Gregorian calendar is 365 days compared to the Earth’s orbit around the sun of 365.25 days, the Farmer’s Almanac explained.

Without the extra day, the calendar and seasons would gradually get out of sync.