Ask Amy: Should I call out sister-in-law’s ‘family is important’ claim?

Ask Amy: Should I call out sister-in-law’s ‘family is important’ claim?

Dear Amy: My husband and I have three (adult) kids. For years his brother has always been a problem for me. He is pushy, arrogant, pretentious, and a classic narcissist. I have for years looked the other way.

Now he is on his third wife. She and I do not get along.

Recently she accused my kids of lacking family values because they weren’t able to attend their cousin’s wedding. This argument exploded.

She wrote me a (so-called) apology letter where she referenced that “family is so very important to me.”

We went round and round on this and have not seen or spoken since.

Naturally, she sent us her annual Christmas card – where she misspelled our daughter’s name – yet again.

Would it be wrong to send a card back with a note that points out that her family importance was selective? Or that she actually lied when she said that family is important to her?

Just wondering how hard I can push that button.

– JP

Dear JP: You can push this button as hard as you want – but this will extend an increasingly ridiculous dispute with someone you claim not to want to have anything to do with. What does this do for you?

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.