Florida principal spends night on school roof in Crimson Tide pajamas to motivate students

Florida principal spends night on school roof in Crimson Tide pajamas to motivate students

A school principal in Gulf Breeze, Fla., recently went above and beyond — mostly above — to motivate his students.

Josh McGrew, principal at Oriole Bech Elementary School, made a deal with his students as they began their 11th annual “Boosterthon Fun Run,” which raises funds for school projects not funded via the district budget.

This year’s funds will go to school beautification and technology improvements, according to the Pensacola News Journal.

For this year’s fundraiser, McGrew offered his students a deal: If they raised at least $75,000 in total donations, he would go up on the school roof and spend the night there.

His motivational tactic worked. The kids raised more than $100,000.

And so, last Thursday night, McGrew went up on the roof, live streaming much of his time up there via the school’s Facebook page. He also caught up with some online Christmas shopping, he said in one of the videos.

After clearing the roof of some wayward footballs and soccer balls from the nearby P.E. fields, McGrew set up a tent with a cot, and a folding chair, along with a space heater. He also brought his laptop and set up a speaker with a microphone.

Wearing his Alabama Crimson Tide pajama pants and a houndstooth beanie (there were more than a few shouts of “Roll Tide” from the crowd below, according to the PNJ), McGrew used the sound system to read “The Great Reindeer Rebellion” to the students and families gathered below to marvel at the unusual site of their principal making himself at home on the roof.

He also read the story again in a Facebook live video for those students who remained at home.

The next morning, students arrived to find McGrew waiting on the roof to lead them in the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner and a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. When he came down, McGrew didn’t bother to change his attire.

Friday was Pajama Day at the school.