Ask Amy: A friend wants to stay in her home when her husband moves into a care facility

Ask Amy: A friend wants to stay in her home when her husband moves into a care facility

Dear Amy: My husband and I have a friend in her early 70s whose husband is in his early 80s.

He has dementia and will need a care facility soon. He knows that.

She wants to stay in their home after he moves, but we believe this would be a mistake.

Should we share with her other options?

How should we proceed?

– Concerned

Dear Concerned: You don’t note why you think it would be a mistake for your friend to stay in her home after her husband moves, but – if she is healthy, a person in her early 70′s likely can enjoy many years of independent living before making her own move.

In my opinion, staying in her home could be the very best thing for her to do – for now. If her husband moves, being in her home during the period of his decline could provide the sense of stability she needs.

If she asks for assistance or advice to review her housing options, you could be very helpful by researching local places and offering to tour them with her. Even if she decides not to move right away, being aware of her options will help her to make the decision later.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.