Alabama man gets 10 life sentences for sexually abusing underage girls

Alabama man gets 10 life sentences for sexually abusing underage girls

A north Alabama judge handed down a punishment of 10 life sentences plus 199 years in prison on Tuesday to a Jackson County man convicted of sexually abusing underage girls and other offenses.

David Wayne Adams, 53, of Pisgah, also has no shot at parole according to the sentence doled out in Jackson County Circuit Court, according to WAFF.

Adams’ sentence was not in electronic court records as of late Tuesday afternoon.

Adams had been convicted of sexual abuse, second-degree rape, second-degree sodomy, production of child pornography and electronic solicitation of a child in connection with the abuse that began more than a decade ago.

The victims, who are now adults, said in their victims’ impact statments that Adams’ daughter would bring friends home from church and school. Adams would then abuse them, they said, according to WAFF.