Barbra Streisand had Tim Cook change iPhone’s pronunciation of her name

Barbra Streisand had Tim Cook change iPhone’s pronunciation of her name

Barbra Streisand is apparently famous enough to have Apple change its iPhone.

In a BBC interview to promote her new autobiography, “My Name Is Barbra,” the 81-year-old said once phoned CEO Tim Cook to complain the device was pronouncing her name wrong.

“My name isn’t spelled with a ‘Z’…It’s Strei-sand, like sand on the beach. How simple can you get? .. And Tim Cook was so lovely. He had Siri change the pronunciation… I guess that’s one perk of fame!”

“The BBC’s Mark Savage asked Siri a question about Streisand to test its delivery, and the politically active entertainer cheered in approval when the Apple’s digital assistant gave the beach-rhyming pronunciation,” The Hill reported. “Isn’t it right?” she exclaimed, before shouting, “Woo!”

Cook is a native of Baldwin County, where he attended Robertsdale High School, and graduated from Auburn University in 1982. He frequently returns to Alabama and supports causes here.