Ask Amy: How do I invite some co-workers (but not all)?

Ask Amy: How do I invite some co-workers (but not all)?

Dear Amy: I live in a small college town and work at the college. We have a broad group of friends and each Christmas, my partner and I like to host a big party.

I work in an office in which I consider two people genuine friends, but the others are honestly very gossipy. They are nice to your face, but not behind your back.

I basically don’t trust them.

The trouble is, being in a small community it is difficult to invite some and not all, as word gets out.

To avoid an awkward situation, I have generally held the policy that I don’t invite any coworkers with whom I work directly, but I honestly would like to invite the two who I do consider friends.

How would you advise me to handle this? The situation stresses me out enough that I have considered not hosting anything at all.

– A Sensitive Social Butterfly

Dear Sensitive: It’s normal to have friends at work, but you should make sure to handle these friendships (and any social invitations) extremely discreetly while at the office.

Invite these two friends (issue the invitation outside of the office), and ask them not to discuss the event at work.

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.