Five stories about Birmingham movers and shakers you might have missed

Five stories about Birmingham movers and shakers you might have missed

Every week the Lede interviews people who are making a difference in the metro Birmingham community for our ongoing Sunday Q&A. Here are just five of the movers and shakers Lede reporter Heather Gann has talked to in the past six months:

BJCCA CEO Tad Snider talked about how ‘City Walk is more than just colored lights.’

Longtime Birmingham City Councilor Valerie Abbott argues that the city needs to build less new stuff and, focus on maintenance of what’s already here.

Birmingham Department of Transportation Director James Fowler wants people to drive less.

John Northrop of the Action Coalition for Transit argued that the expensive, controversial Northern Beltline project won’t be the answer to Birmingham’s transit woes.

CEO of REV Birmingham CEO David Fleming explained why downtown Birmingham belongs to everyone in the metro area.

Every week in our Sunday Q&A series, Gann brings you more insights from the people who are working to build and revitalize Birmingham – people who lead the conversation about what needs to happen, and what’s next. Besides that, every day the Lede carries a lot more local news, as well as state, national and world events worth reading about.

We’re working to make the Lede better every day and we want your input. Suggestions? Constructive criticism? Stories you’d like to see? Questions about your community? Something for us to look into that will make your life better? Send me a note at [email protected].