Dear Annie: Should I try intermittent fasting?

Dear Annie: Should I try intermittent fasting?

Dear Annie: Let me add one more response to the subject of intermittent fasting by telling you my story. I started the year at 183 pounds. Fasting and eating every other day, combined with a regular exercise program, has reduced my weight to the low 160s after six months, where it is stabilizing with me eating every day now. I have also lost three inches on both my waist and hips.

As a result of this regimen, I now desire to eat smaller meals, occasionally only one a day, and I no longer binge eat. I also find that my digestion is better, and my energy level is good as well.

Our cave dwelling and hunter gatherer ancestors could not find food every day; therefore, they automatically practiced intermittent fasting. This is how we evolved, and it can be a very healthy way of eating.

Also, researchers did a study where they reduced the food available to lab rats. They found that when they ate less, they were healthier and learned to navigate mazes better. Apparently, feeding them every day was detrimental to their health by “overfeeding” them, contrary to their natural way of life in the wild, which is intermittent eating — and therefore intermittent fasting. — Feeling Better

Dear Feeling Better: As the old expression goes, there are 200 roads to Rome, and you have found a road that works for you. Thank you for sharing your story, and congratulations on finding a program that is helping you reach your goals.

Read more Dear Annie and other advice columns.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].