Here are five Huntsville area stories from last week that are worth your time

Here are five Huntsville area stories from last week that are worth your time

There were several significant local stories last week in the Huntsville area. Here are five you might have missed:

· In our Sunday Q&A (today) Joey Azar of Boaz Ventures talks about investing development efforts in the place where he grew up.

· Who gets the biggest checks from the city of Huntsville every month? The Lede’s Scott Turner reported on how the answer keeps changing.

· Turner also reported on how the Jones family continues to press their case that their land was improperly seized before becoming part of UAH and what the university says in response.

· Are you checking out the Lede College Football Picks contest? It’s published every Friday.

· State Rep Anthony Daniels spent time with the Lede to talk about how the public good is served by building relationships across political lines.

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