Alabama mother sentenced to year in Florida prison after daughter died from being hit with hospital table

Alabama mother sentenced to year in Florida prison after daughter died from being hit with hospital table

An Alabama woman accused of causing the death of her special needs daughter during a 2021 incident in a Pensacola hospital room was sentenced Wednesday to one year and one day in a Florida state prison, according to WEAR.

Jessica Bortle, 36, was initially charged with manslaughter and aggravated battery in the death of her daughter, 14-year-old Jasmine Singletary. Police said the Bonifay, Ala., resident had slammed a hospital table into the girl’s abdomen out of anger after Singletary had broken and thrown crayons in the room at Sacred Heart Hospital in July 2021.

Five days after the incident, Bortle reportedly admitted to slamming the bedside meal table into her daughter’s abdomen and then leaning her weight into the table, effectively crushing the child’s liver, according to an autopsy report.

Escambia County Medical Examiner Dr. Deanna Oleske found Singletary had suffered internal injuries to her ribs and liver that did not exist when she was admitted to the hospital and were similar to those found in victims of traffic accidents.

At trial, Bortle testified her daughter’s injuries were a result of an accident, according to the report.

Facing up to 45 years in prison on the manslaughter and aggravated battery charges, Bortle was instead found guilty by an Escambia County jury in late July on lesser charges of battery and child abuse.

In addition to the year and a day jail sentence, Bortle will spend three years on post-release supervision and will be required to attend parenting classes.