Carlee Russell’s staged I-459 kidnapping case heads to Hoover court today

Carlee Russell’s staged I-459 kidnapping case heads to Hoover court today

The first court proceeding for Carlee Russell is scheduled today in her arrest on misdemeanor charges following her staged disappearance in July.

The pretrial docket is set for 2 p.m. at Hoover’s Municipal Court.

Russell, her attorney Emory Anthony, and prosecutors will discuss what will happen moving forward in the judicial process.

Read full coverage of the case here

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s Office is prosecuting the case.

Russell, 26, is charged with false reporting to law enforcement authorities and falsely reporting an incident.

Both crimes are misdemeanors. The two charges each carry a $1,000 bond.

Russell seemingly vanished Thursday, July 13, after calling 911, and a family member, to report seeing a child, about 3 or 4 years old and only wearing a diaper, walking alone along I-459.

The family member reported hearing a scream, and then only interstate noise through the open cell phone line.

Russell’s disappearance sparked a massive search and widespread concern.

Two days later, Russell showed up alone at her parents Hoover home. She was taken to UAB Hospital for evaluation.

While at UAB Hospital, Russell told Hoover police she escaped the clutches of a man and woman who abducted her.

Authorities determined Russell left her job at Woodhouse Day Spa – from which she has since been fired – after taking a robe, toilet paper and a small amount of cash.

She ordered food from Taziki’s at The Colonnade. Carlee then traveled to Target on U.S. 280 where she bought some granola bars, Cheez-its, and a drink.

She remained in the parking lot there until 9:21 P.M., then drove to I-459.

Russell called 911 at 9:34 p.m. She then called her brother’s girlfriend, and about 9:36 p.m. went missing.

No one else ever reported seeing a toddler there.

Russell traveled approximately 600 yards while on the phone with 911.

Police found Russell’s wig, cell phone and purse near her vehicle. Her Apple Watch was in her purse.

The food from Taziki’s was in her car. Items from Target, as well as the items taken from the spa, were not at the scene.

In her interview after her return – the only interview she has given to police – Russell told officers she was abducted.

More than a week later, her attorney sent a statement to Hoover police Chief Nick Derzis acknowledging there was no abduction.

“My client did not see a baby on the side of the road. My client did not leave the Hoover area when she was identified as a missing person. My client did not have any help in this incident, but this was a single act done by herself,” the statement Anthony provided read.

It has not been disclosed where Russell was during the time that she was believed missing.

“Numerous law enforcement agencies, both local and federal, began working tirelessly not only to bring Carlee home to her family, but locate a kidnapper that we now know never existed,’’ Derzis said in announcing Russell’s arrest.

“Many private citizens volunteered their time and energy into looking for a potential kidnapping victim that we now know was never in any danger.”