Five locals from Huntsville: Stories you might have missed last week

Five locals from Huntsville: Stories you might have missed last week

Looking for local coverage? Here are just a few examples from last week’s Lede:

· In our Sunday Q&A (today) Madison County Probate Judge Frank Barger talks about the reach of his office and the efficiencies needed to manage so many life-changing events.

· Do you live in one the Huntsville area’s highest-earning zip codes? The Lede’s Scott Turner reported on where they are.

· In the Lede’s look at doctor shortages across the state, Turner told you about the likelihood of getting in to see a specialist in the Huntsville metro.

· Are you checking out the Lede College Football Picks contest? It’s published every Friday.

· What is Madison County going to do with $25 million in leftover ARPA funds? Turner told you about what officials are planning.

The Lede carries a lot more local news, as well as state, national and world events worth reading about every day. And each edition has a page designed to tell you how to navigate The Lede. It even has a cool YouTube video.

We’re working to make the Lede better every day and we want your input. Suggestions? Constructive criticism? Stories you’d like to see? Questions about your community? Something for us to look into that will make your life better? Send me a note at [email protected].