Stars align for you to enjoy these chicken wing recipes

Stars align for you to enjoy these chicken wing recipes

Just when you think you know everything there is to know about something, they go and prove you wrong.

In this case the “they” in whoever “they” is have gone and designated September as National Chicken Month. Oh sure, they did it quite some time ago, but it’s still news to me.

I tell you one thing, it’s almost embarrassing for me. All these years I have prided myself on being an enthusiastic cheerleader for all things related to the yard bird and here at this late date I go and discover I’m not as smart as I thought.

Well, it’s not too late to make things right. There are a few days left in the month and we can still celebrate accordingly.

Now I’m not a man who believes much in coincidences; I’ve seen too many episodes of Colombo to think such nonsense. I think that it is no coincidence that National Chicken Month just happens to occur in the same month as the commencement of football season.

It is also no coincidence that chicken wings in some form or fashion are almost always found on any self-respecting tailgating sideboard. In the pantheon of iconic tailgate food offerings, I think that chicken wings are right up there with chili, jambalaya and bratwurst.