5 questions with Alabama State Sen. Greg Albritton

5 questions with Alabama State Sen. Greg Albritton

Editor’s note: This fall, the Lede is reaching out to your elected representatives, asking what they’re anticipating for the 2024 session and what they’re doing to stay in touch with constituents.

Today’s Q&A is with State Sen. Greg Albritton, R-Atmore, who has served in the Alabama Senate since 2014. He previously served in the state House of Representatives. Albritton currently serves as chair of the Finance and Taxation General Fund Committee and is a member of the Judiciary and Governmental Affairs committees, among others.

Questions and answers have been condensed and edited for clarity.

Is there anything that didn’t pass in the most recent session that you’d like to see revisited, and why?

I will rephrase that a little bit. I would like to have seen the gaming issue discussed more substantively and dealt with. I believe, and to go forward a little further, I think that’s going to be an issue in the upcoming session.