Blount County man convicted of sodomizing young girl

Blount County man convicted of sodomizing young girl

An Oneonta man has been convicted in the sexual abuse of a young girl.

A Blount County jury on Thursday found 36-year-old Marcus Adam Wertz guilty of two counts of second-degree sodomy, which is a Class B felony.

Wertz was initially indicted in 2021 on charges of engaging in deviate sexual intercourse with a girl between the ages of 12 and 16, said District Attorney Pamela Casey.

Prosecutors this week presented evidence that Wertz engaged in oral sex with the child on two different occasions in September of 2021, with the incidents happening two days apart as his Blount County home.

On Sept. 10, 2021, a witness provided authorities a video captured by a home surveillance system that digitally recorded one of the sexual assaults.

One of the prosecution’s witnesses testified she had observed Wertz interacting inappropriately with the child on at least three prior occasions and told Wertz his behavior had to stop.

This case was investigated by sheriff’s Sgt. Ed Hull.

“As a mother, I cannot comprehend the level of deviance one must possess to sexually exploit a child,’’ Casey said. “As a prosecutor, I will utilize every resource withing the legal system to bring these perpetrators to justice.”

Each count is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. A sentencing hearing has been set for Oct. 20.