Dear Annie: How do I deal with my mooching, bullying son for the sake of my granddaughter?

Dear Annie: How do I deal with my mooching, bullying son for the sake of my granddaughter?

Dear Annie: I’m 65. I live on very little money.

My son had a child 13 years ago; he got sole custody and has lived with me since. I have always supported them, both emotionally and financially, except for one year a few months ago when he had a job.

I was OK with it, until he started treating me like the “bad one.” He takes my granddaughter to “good friends” who he barely knows and lets her stay alone “to help with their kids,” and if I say something, he gets mean and verbally aggressive.

He treats me with such disrespect all the time now.

He wants us to continue to reside with each other, and I’m afraid for my granddaughter if I don’t, but afraid for my well-being if I do. I constantly cry. What do I do? — Mom of a Mooching Son

Dear Mom: Your son is acting like a self-entitled bully. The best way to stop a bully is to stick up to them. Do so from a loving place and the conversation will go better — for both of your sakes and for your granddaughter’s sake. You should not be crying all the time in your home, and he must stop his harassment of you. You are correct to be concerned about your granddaughter, so when you begin the conversation, point out that you both clearly love and care for her and want to find the best living situation for everyone.

Read more Dear Annie and other advice columns.

“How Can I Forgive My Cheating Partner?” is out now! Annie Lane’s second anthology — featuring favorite columns on marriage, infidelity, communication and reconciliation — is available as a paperback and e-book. Visit Creators Publishing for more information. Send your questions for Annie Lane to [email protected].