Superintendent Matt Akin reflects on five years with Gulf Shores City Schools

Superintendent Matt Akin reflects on five years with Gulf Shores City Schools

In the five years since Gulf Shores City Schools formed, Matt Akin has served as the school system’s superintendent. Prior to moving to Gulf Shores, Akin served as the superintendent for Huntsville City Schools and Piedmont City Schools.

Gulf Shores City Schools has grown quickly, following the growth in Baldwin County. Today, the school system serves approximately 2,500 students at three schools and one virtual academy. Here, Akin reflects on the last five years, how the school system is preparing for the continued growth in the county and how readers can support students in their lives.

Questions and answers have been edited for clarity.

It’s been five years since Gulf Shores City Schools formed. What have you learned in the last five years?

Five years have flown by quickly. I have learned that the Gulf Shores community is passionate about the educational opportunities that are provided to our students. That commitment was why I wanted to lead Gulf Shores City Schools, but now that I experience it every day, I am continually amazed and thankful. The commitment and passion are not just from parents and city officials; I had a conversation last week from a community member who has lived here for over sixty years. He stated that the school system was the single most important thing that had happened in Gulf Shores since he has been here. I believe that most citizens feel the same way.