University of Alabama student searching for answers after father’s ashes stolen from storage unit

University of Alabama student searching for answers after father’s ashes stolen from storage unit

Abby Armstrong estimates thieves ran off with about $20,000 worth of her belongings from a Tuscaloosa storage unit, but one stolen item was priceless and can’t be replaced.

Among the items stolen from the unit at Radiant Storage was a container with some of the ashes of Armstrong’s late father, according to WBRC.

“My heart was broken for real,” she said of having her father’s ashes stolen.

Armstrong recently went to the storage rental facility to retrieve some personal belongings, but her key wouldn’t work.

But it was the right unit and when she knelt down to look under the door, she saw nothing — all of her belongings, including the ashes, were gone.

“I just feel a numbness. I was really upset the last couple of days,” she told the TV station.

The TV station attempted to contact the management of Radiant Storage, receiving an email saying management would have “no comment in regards to this matter.”