Five things you missed in the Huntsville Lede last week

Five things you missed in the Huntsville Lede last week

The Lede is Alabama Media Group’s daily dive into the news of the day, curated by our team of reporters, editors and producers. Here are five things you may have missed last week if you aren’t subscribing:

1. Q&A with U.S. Space & Rocket Center CEO and Executive Director Kimberly Robinson: She talked to the Lede’s Scott Turner about what’s coming up at one of Alabama’s hottest tourist destinations.

2. Sports columnist Kevin Scarbinsky offered the latest from his deep perspective on college football.

3. Lede reporter Scott Turner showed – with video – why some Huntsville residents are worried that a new proposed subdivision entrance on Green Mountain Road is too dangerous.

4. Your tax dollars at work: Madison County is seeking more beds to accommodate a rise in involuntary mental health commitments.

5. EdLab’s Trisha Powell Crain took a Lede-exclusive deep dive into Huntsville-area schools showing how this year’s scores compared to 2022.

BTW – every issue of the Lede has a page designed to tell you how to navigate the issue. It even has a cool YouTube video.

The Lede is a work in progress, and we’re making it better every day. We want to hear from you. Suggestions? Constructive criticism? Stories you’d like to see? Questions about your community? Something for us to look into that will make your life better? Send a note to [email protected].