Mobile-area songwriter Molly Thomas injured in wreck; fund drive launched

Mobile-area songwriter Molly Thomas injured in wreck; fund drive launched

Friends, fans and fellow musicians have launched efforts to support Molly Thomas, a respected Mobile-area singer-songwriter seriously injured in a wreck earlier this week.

Percussionist John Milham, whose work with Thomas includes performing with Molly Thomas & The Rare Birds, described the situation in a GoFundMe drive he launched on Wednesday, saying that Thomas had been taken by helicopter to a Mobile hospital after the wreck:

“We are so thankful to hear that she and her dog Hank are both ok but her road to recovery is going to be a long one. She has several broken ribs, a broken wrist and many cuts and bruises. This means that she will not be able to play music, make her jewelry or tend bar at The Book Cellar for a long while. Please consider helping out to aid in relieving any medical expenses or financial burden this situation may bring her and her husband Gary. We love you Molly and are here to support you in any way we can!”

As of Thursday morning, the drive had raised more than $12,000 toward a goal of $30,000, thanks to more than 130 donors.

Milham said Thursday that Abe Partridge, another local musician and artist, was auctioning off a painting with the proceeds to go to Thomas. Details of that process were available on Partridge’s Facebook page and his Instagram account. As of Thursday morning, the bid was at $500.

“I love Molly,” Partridge wrote, describing some of their collaborations. “She has always been a support to me and many other folks.”

The GoFundMe drive can be found at