Dear Abby: My boyfriend’s roommate is crossing all sorts of lines

Dear Abby: My boyfriend’s roommate is crossing all sorts of lines

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend lives with one of his closest friends, “Bill.” I know him well and stay at their apartment often. Over time we have grown pretty close. I listen to Bill talk about his hobbies and problems because his friends get tired of his rambling.

I’m afraid Bill has become too attached to me because of this, because he has started texting me every day, asks me to go places with him and fixates on me whenever I am over there. The last straw was when he called me in the middle of the night, crying about his ex-girlfriend.

In order to preserve his living situation and their friendship, my boyfriend doesn’t want to confront Bill until he crosses a line. I believe he has already violated my boundaries. How do I stop this elephant in the room from growing? — UNSURE IN THE SOUTH

DEAR UNSURE: I agree that more than one boundary has been violated. Because your boyfriend is unwilling to draw the line, you will have to. Start by telling Bill that you don’t want him calling in the middle of the night or as often as he does. Visit your boyfriend at his shared apartment less often. Take your time responding to Bill’s daily texts and refuse his invitations to go anywhere. It may take a while for him to get the message, so be prepared.

DEAR ABBY: What do I do if my wife of 36 years wants to be laid to rest somewhere other than next to me in Hawaii? — WONDERING IN HAWAII

DEAR WONDERING: Hope that you outlive her.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.