North Alabama deputies arrest man with meth in burger during traffic stop
At least one North Alabama man wasn’t allowed to “have it your way” this weekend, according to authorities. The Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office says it arrested a man after finding a small bag of methamphetamine in his hamburger.
The incident happened Saturday, when two deputies made a traffic stop just north of Norwood on Alabama 157.
Authorities say the driver, Timothy Nolen, had a revoked license. The vehicle was to be impounded according to policy.
However, during the inventory of the vehicle, Nolen made several references to being hungry and “just wanting to eat his hamburger.”
“Unfortunately, the burger contained more than lettuce and pickles,” the sheriff’s office stated.
Deputies discovered the meth and apparently decided that sauce was a little too special.
Nolen, 45, of Killen, was arrested and charged with drug possession, driving with a revoked license, and a switched tag.