GASP director Michael Hansen wants a cleaner world for Birmingham residents

GASP director Michael Hansen wants a cleaner world for Birmingham residents

In 2009 a group of concerned citizens created Alabama First after 2005 rankings rated Birmingham’s air quality as one of the worst in the U.S. according to Michael Hansen, the executive director of the Greater-Birmingham Alliance to Stop Pollution (GASP).

A year later the group changed its name to GASP after discovering an older organization of the same name and producing a short film about the group called “A GASP for Clean Air.”

“(They were) two separate organizations on paper, (with) one mission: healthy air,” said Hansen.

Nearly two decades later GASP continues the fight against pollution. Some rankings still give Jefferson County’s air quality a failing grade. Hansen talked about the group’s history and goals in this Q&A with the Lede.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.