Bang Bang Shrimp: Recipe starts shrimp season off with a kick

Bang Bang Shrimp: Recipe starts shrimp season off with a kick

If you are like a lot of folks you are probably planning or contemplating a trip to the sugar white beaches found in South Alabama.

My advice to you is to just come on. But I would also encourage you to leave early and grab a snack before you leave home.

Why? Because judging by the number of cars on the road already, everybody else wants to join in the fun for your family beach party.

And I expect at some point during your family beach vacation you will be stricken by an urge to enjoy one of the coast’s most alluring and delicious charms – fresh Gulf of Mexico shrimp.

It’s only natural, what with the sea air and the sight of shrimp boats gently bobbing in the shimmering waters of the Gulf of Mexico right outside your window. It doesn’t get much fresher than that, does it?

And this time of year, more than likely the kind of shrimp that you will be buying will be brown shrimp. Why brown shrimp, you ask?