Colorado GOP: We don’t want Space Command if ‘unfettered abortion laws’ are why it’s coming

Colorado GOP: We don’t want Space Command if ‘unfettered abortion laws’ are why it’s coming

The Colorado Republican Party says it would rather see U.S. Space Command headquarters in Alabama “if the main driving force to keep it in Colorado Springs is Colorado’s unfettered abortion laws that provide no restrictions whatsoever.”

Colorado Springs is where the relatively new command was started and where its headquarters is now. The state is fighting to keep it after a Pentagon comparison of places wanting to host the command ranked Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville the preferred headquarters location.

“As a political organization that is unwavering in its support for the pro-life movement, the Colorado Republican Party, and its leaders, implore you to ensure that the decision to keep Space Command in Colorado Springs be made solely on merit, rather than being entangled with the issue of abortion access,” said the June 6 letter from Colorado GOP Chairman Dave Williams to the White House.

Williams said, “National news publications are reporting that the White House would support a reversal of the initial decision to have Space Command headquartered in Alabama because Colorado allows for unborn children to lose their lives to abortion, which is abhorrent and morally acceptable.”

That was an apparent reference to reports like NBC saying in May that some defense and congressional officials believe the White House is “laying the groundwork to halt plans to move U.S. Space Command’s headquarters to Alabama in part because of concerns about the state’s restrictive abortion law.” That report cited “two U.S. officials and one U.S. defense official familiar with the discussions.”

“Furthermore, President Donald J. Trump was falsely accused of making an unfair ‘political’ decision that jeopardized national security with the determination that Space Command be headquartered in Alabama,” Williams’ letter continued. “Despite this dishonest attack against the 45th President’s motives, it would be very hypocritical for your administration to turn around and make an unfair political decision for the sake of advancing the radical abortion agenda.”

The NBC report also said the Biden administration has signaled it wants to block any move to Alabama because it could disrupt the command’s operations.