Birmingham drivers want tow truck company’s license to be revoked ahead of public hearing

Birmingham drivers want tow truck company’s license to be revoked ahead of public hearing

As Birmingham drivers prepare for a public hearing hosted by the city this week for those impacted by downtown towing practices, some are calling for city councilors to revoke the business license of one towing company in particular.

Over the past decade, local towing company Parking Enforcement Systems (PES) has been repeatedly accused of predatory practices in downtown Birmingham.

Starting late last year, public complaints about the company started to ramp up once again. In December, Helen Hays told the Lede that an armed attendant at the PES lot forced her to stand in freezing weather to pay the $160 fee to retrieve her car.

Hays said she plans to attend the hearing, which will take place at Birmingham’s Boutwell Auditorium this Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. with speaker sign ups from 5:30-6 p.m., and hopes that the city will decide to revoke PES’ towing license after further review of their towing ordinance.

“I would hope that they would revoke the business license of the current towing company,” Hays said. “According to the current ordinance: the licensee, his agent, servant, or employee has operated the business in such a manner as to be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or so as to constitute a nuisance. They can revoke the vehicle immobilization service license.”