Semmes, Mobile reach agreement on annexations, avoiding potential clash

Semmes, Mobile reach agreement on annexations, avoiding potential clash

On Tuesday, the Mobile City Council will consider authorizing an agreement with the city of Semmes, over the small city’s annexation of eight parcels of land on Schillinger Road, in exchange for Mobile  halting any annexation attempts in Mobile’s police jurisdiction—for now.

“They got the parcels that they wanted at that intersection without having to jump through hoops,” said Jim Rossler, an attorney working with the city of Mobile on annexation. “We got what we wanted.”

According to Rossler, in February the city of Semmes began annexing territory within the two cities’ overlapping police jurisdictions. The parcels Mobile wants to annex are near two of the four areas where the Mobile City Council authorized an annexation referendum earlier this month, Orchard Estates and Kings Branch. In order for Semmes’ annexations to pass, the city of Mobile needed to assent to the Semmes annexations.

Annexation Study Area A. This proposal would annex 25,806 residents into the city of Mobile. The Mobile City Council authorized four referendums in these areas on annexation earlier this month. (Graphic courtesy City of Mobile)

Fearing that Semmes would encroach on the city’s planned annexation jurisdiction, Rossler and the city of Mobile began negotiating with Semmes. After a few months, the two sides reached an agreement: Semmes would annex eight parcels of land along Schillinger Road and Silver Pine Road, and in exchange Mobile would halt any future annexations in its police jurisdiction until after the election is held, or until November 1, whichever comes first, Rossler said.