Chick-fil-A has 4 new products coming to grocery stores

Chick-fil-A has 4 new products coming to grocery stores

Chick-fil-A is rolling out new products for the grocery store aisle.

After test runs in Ohio and Tennessee last falls, Chick-fil-A will now offer its bottled salad dressings in stores nationwide, including Walmart.

The 12-ounce bottles will be on shelves in the coming weeks.

“From Boston to Sacramento, customers who heard about our pilot let us know they are eager to buy bottles of their favorite Chick-fil-A salad dressing at their local grocery stores,” Michael Garrison, senior director of innovation and new ventures at Chick-fil-A said in a statement. “These salad dressings will join four of the brand’s most popular sauces available in participating grocery stores: bottled Barbeque, Polynesian, Sweet & Spicy Sriracha and Chick-fil-A Sauce.”

The salad dressings will include Avocado Lime Ranch Dressing, which Chick-fil-A said is its most dressing option. The dressing includes creamy avocado, spices and lime.

Other dressings will be Garden Herb Ranch Dressing, Creamy Salsa Dressing and Zesty Apple Cider Vinaigrette Dressing.

To celebrate the release, the massively popular chicken chain is sharing recipes using the Chick-fil-A dressings. They include Avocado Lime Ranch Scrambled Eggs, Southwest Creamy Salsa Corn Salad, Cheddar Ranch Biscuits with Ham and Zesty Bacon Potato Salad.