Tucker Carlson breaks silence after Fox News exit

Tucker Carlson breaks silence after Fox News exit

Days after being let go from Fox News, Tucker Carlson offered his first statement – albeit a short one – regarding reaction to his departure.

Carlson and Fox News Media parted ways Monday, though the exact reasons are unclear. Carlson, who had been with the network 14 years, headlined “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” a lead in to Sean Hannity’s Fox News show “Hannity.”

Carlson, as well as Don Lemon, the CNN hosted fired the same day, have hired top Hollywood lawyer Bryan Freedman. According to the New York Times, Freedman represents Chris Cuomo, the former CNN anchor who is seeking $125 million for wrongful termination after he was fired in 2021 and secured a payout of Megyn Kelly’s full contract when she left NBC.

Department of Defense officials celebrate?

Carlson has not responded to the Fox ouster but he did provide a comment on a Politico report that claimed Department of Defense officials were celebrating his exit.

News of Carlson’s firing was “met with delight and outright glee in some corners,” Politico reported.

“We’re a better country without him bagging on our military every night in front of hundreds of thousands of people,” said an anonymous senior Pentagon official.

“Good riddance,” another added, according to the report.

Carlson responded via text to Politico’s request for comment on reports DOD officials were glad he was gone.

“Ha! I’m sure,” he said, declining to comment further.

Carlson has frequently criticized military leadership, taking exception with Pentagon diversity efforts and blasting what he said was a focus on personnel policies over military readiness.

You can read the complete Politico report here.