Abused dog with severe burns found during Jeffco domestic violence probe

Abused dog with severe burns found during Jeffco domestic violence probe

Jefferson County sheriff’s deputies found an abused dog with severe chemical burns as they investigated a domestic violence complaint Saturday night, officials said Monday.

Krissshy, an adult miniature schnauzer or schnoodle, hasx burns over most of her body and was living in a tiny wire crate with no access to shade, water or food, said Greater Birmingham Humane Society Chief Executive Officer Allison Black Cornelius.

“Witnesses say that they had [the owner] beating her and kicking her across the yard multiple times,” Cornelius said in a video the organization posted to Facebook on Monday evening.

Krisshy, named after the first two women to complete the U.S. Army Ranger program — Capts. Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver — also has “evidence of long-term malnourishment,” Cornelius said.

Treating Krisshy’s burns can cost up to $10,000, and the GBHS is raising funds for medical care. You can donate here.

“I’m hoping that we can announce that warrants have been issued on this individual … but we cannot tolerate this type of thing,” Cornelius said.