Lawyers for Alabama Death Row inmate Toforest Johnson appeal to U.S. Supreme Court

Lawyers for Alabama Death Row inmate Toforest Johnson appeal to U.S. Supreme Court

Attorneys for Alabama Death Row inmate Toforest Johnson are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review his case, arguing the key witness was secretly paid a reward for her testimony.

Johnson’s attorneys said in their filing Monday to the nation’s highest court that the $5,000 payment was disclosed two decades later “after years of the official denials that the witness was ever paid. According to State officials, who continue to pursue Johnson’s execution, it had been ‘misfiled’ all those years.”

“The public cannot possibly have confidence in the system if the state of Alabama is permitted to execute Johnson when it paid its key witness $5,000 in secret and both the District Attorney and the trial prosecutor support a new trial.”

Johnson, 50, was convicted of the1995 shooting of Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff William Hardy. Johnson is currently incarcerated at William C. Holman correctional facility in Atmore.

The U.S. Supreme Court justices have reviewed the case before. In 2017, the court ruled in favor of Johnson, sending the case back to the state.

The appeal wound its way through the state court system for years, with the Alabama Supreme Court declining to review the case in December.

“If there were nothing problematic about the State’s $5,000 payment to (the witness), there would have been no reason for the state to conceal the payment for 18 years,” wrote Johnson’s attorneys in the filing.

“If not for a retired state employee informing Johnson’s counsel in 2018 that the State maintained a confidential reward file, Johnson never would have obtained the documents about the payment.”

According to the Monday petition, the former lead trial prosecutor said the state’s entire case against Johnson was based on that witness. He later testified, according to the filing, “I don’t think the State’s case was very strong, because it depended on the testimony of Violet Ellison in my opinion.”

Ellison told police she heard a man who identified himself as Toforest confess to the shooting. She didn’t know Johnson, and said she overheard the remark when she picked up the phone during a call her daughter made to a friend who was in jail. Her story “contradicted the physical evidence in the case,” said Monday’s filing.

Following his 1998 conviction, Johnson’s lawyers argued that prosecutors suppressed evidence that Ellison knew about the reward money being offered in the case, and that she was hoping to get the cash. That argument was litigated throughout the court system from 2003 until 2018.

In 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court reviewed Johnson’s case and sent the case back to state court. There was a hearing in Jefferson County, where Johnson was convicted, and it wasn’t until 2018 that the copy of the check that was paid to Ellison surfaced.

Johnson’s lawyers weren’t told about the payment, and didn’t conclusively know about it until seeing that check.

That hearing also led to a file that contained a letter from the then-district attorney to the governor, asking for the money. That letter said Ellison gave information on Johnson “pursuant to the public offer of a reward.”

The county circuit court judge ruled in favor of the state, and the case again was appealed to the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals. That court also ruled that Johnson’s team couldn’t show Ellison knew about the reward money when she talked to police.

Then, in December, the state’s highest court declined to look at the case.

In 2020, Jefferson County District Attorney Danny Carr voiced concerns about Johnson’s case and asked for a new trial. He wrote in a court filing, “It is the District Attorney’s position that in the interest of justice, Mr. Johnson who has spent more than two decades on Death Row, be granted a new trial.”

The original prosecutor also supports Carr’s motion.

“The requests of the District Attorney and the trial prosecutor are particularly striking given the nature of … claims,” wrote Johnson’s lawyers in the Monday filing. “Johnson has been seeking a new trial… for nearly two decades. One might expect a defensive reaction from the office and the individual accused of violating a capital defendant’s constitutional rights. Yet here, both have requested that Johnson’s conviction be vacated based on a litany of problems…”

Former Alabama Chief Justice Drayton Nabers and former Alabama Attorney General Bill Baxley are among numerous lawyers, former judges and prosecutors who have voiced support a new trial for Johnson. Other supporters include former U.S. Attorney Joyce White Vance, former magistrate Judge John Carroll, and three former jurors on the case.

Monday’s petition to the court comes after a Sunday night event in Birmingham to raise awareness about the case. According to Johnson’s lawyers, more than 400 people attended the , Greater Birmingham Ministries event.

The state has yet to set an execution date for Johnson.