Trump is transitioning from ‘Orange Man’ to ‘Orange Jumpsuit Man’

Trump is transitioning from ‘Orange Man’ to ‘Orange Jumpsuit Man’

“The reason there’s a former president being indicted is because the Republican Party nominated and elected a criminal.” – Stuart Stevens, Republican campaign strategist.

Donald Trump, meet Accountability. Oh, and say hello to her cousin, Karma.

Transitioning is hard. It must be draining. Especially for Donald J. Trump.

Trump has never been held accountable. For anything. Can you imagine that? Seems like the Trumpster may be getting a faint glimpse of what it’s like to live in the real world for a change. We can only hope Karma is large and in charge.

Related: The crucifixion of Donald Trump –

Related: Trump drained after pleading the Fifth 440 times –

Related: Trump tried to hang Mike Pence and Uncle Sam on January 6 –

Make no mistake. When Trump says stuff like: “They’re really coming after YOU. I’m just standing in the way” … he’s talking to a mirror.

True stories and stuff by JD Crowe

The mysterious ‘Bubble Guy’ of Fairhope and the art of bubble Zen –

How I met Dr. Seuss

Robert Plant head-butted me. Thanks, David Coverdale

I was ZZ Top’s drummer for a night and got kidnapped by groupies

Check out more cartoons and stuff by JD Crowe

Kay Ivey turns Alabama Education Trust Fund into an ATM –

Garrett Crumby: Tribute to fallen Huntsville police officer –

Nashville school shooting: America’s covenant with guns is killing our kids –

The crucifixion of Donald Trump –

Kay Ivey makin’ it rain on Alabama billion dollar prison plan –

When Nick Saban speaks, people hear the elephant in the room –

JD Crowe is the cartoonist for Alabama Media Group and He won the RFK Human Rights Award for Editorial Cartoons in 2020. In 2018, he was awarded the Rex Babin Memorial Award for local and state cartoons by the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. Follow JD on Facebook, Twitter @Crowejam and Instagram @JDCrowepix.