President Joe Biden approval rating: Latest numbers near all-time low

President Joe Biden approval rating: Latest numbers near all-time low

President Joe Biden’s approval rating dropped in a new poll, nearing the all-time low for the survey.

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll was released Thursday. Of those polled, only 38% said they approved of the job Biden was doing, compared to 61% who disapproved. That’s a drop from February and January’s approval ratings of 45% and 41%, respectively.

Biden’s all-time low approval  – 36% –  was in the AP-NORC from July 2022.

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The president received particularly low numbers on his handling of the economy, with only 31% approval vs. 68% disapproval.

Approval remains strictly partisan with 76% of Democrats approving of Biden’s performance overall and 63% approving of his handling of the economy. Those numbers plummet among Republicans, with only 4% approving of Biden’s overall performance and 3% approval for his handling of the economy.

The AP-NORC poll was conducted March 16-20 with a margin of error of 4 percentage points.