ABIC Director of Research Jacob Lamb says Alabama is an ideal place for business

ABIC Director of Research Jacob Lamb says Alabama is an ideal place for business

The Alabama Business Intelligence Center (ABIC), a centralized research hub under the umbrella of the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama (EDPA), recently announced they would be bringing on Jacob Lamb as their first ever director of research.

EDPA announced the launch of the new Birmingham office in fall of last year. As the Lede previously reported, ABIC functions to collect and analyze data that will assist with statewide business and economic expansion.

Lamb, a National Merit scholar and Economics Ph.D. candidate at Clemson University, said his main goal over the next year is to hone in on specific industries and use that data to bring increased capital investment to the state.

What made you interested in joining ABIC?

I was excited about the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an organization that is already having an incredible impact on the state of Alabama. There are many places to do research, but only a few special places where your research will actually have a direct impact. The Alabama Business Intelligence Center is one of those special places.