Stopping bad bills, adding more Madison County judges priorities for State Senator Givhan

Stopping bad bills, adding more Madison County judges priorities for State Senator Givhan

Sam Givhan is beginning his second term as the state senator for District 7, representing a large portion of Madison County.

A Republican, he’s been a resident of Huntsville for over 28 years. An attorney, his practice focuses on commercial real estate and acquisitions of rights of way and other issues for the city of Huntsville. He has been involved in some of Alabama’s largest economic development projects.

He obtained a degree in finance from Auburn and his juris doctor from the University of Alabama School of Law

He recently participated in a question-and-answer session with the Lede.

What influenced your decision to run for the Senate?

I jokingly say I have a genetic defect. Both of my grandfathers were in the Legislature. I have always had a keen interest in politics from the time I was in elementary school. That’s unusual for kids at that age for sure. My career got to a point where I was very involved with the party, and was local county chair and senior vice chair of the state party.