Horse killed, Alabama Mennonite family injured when carriage, vehicle collide

Horse killed, Alabama Mennonite family injured when carriage, vehicle collide

Rainsville police said a horse was killed and a family were injured in a collision Monday between a motor vehicle and a wagon.

Police Chief Michael Edmondson said several departments responded to the incident, which took place in Powell. He called it “scary news to hear.”

“All too often, these types of collisions can be avoided,” he stated in a Facebook post.

The department said animal-drawn vehicles, under Alabama law, have the same rights on a roadway as any motor driven vehicle.

In an announcement, Edmondson said the department is working to install horse-drawn vehicle caution signs along Alabama 35 and Alabama 75.

“Let’s all please do our part to make Rainsville welcoming to our Mennonite neighbors in our area,” he said.

“When approaching a horse-drawn vehicle, we ask that you give yourself plenty of time to move to the left (fast) lane and overtake the vehicle cautiously and at a steady speed. This ensures safety for both you and the wagon you’re passing.”