Introducing another Alabama Education Lab newsletter, ‘State of Education’

Introducing another Alabama Education Lab newsletter, ‘State of Education’

The Alabama Education Lab team at is always looking for ways to help busy parents and educators.

Many of you want to follow news and changes that affect your students, but struggle to keep up with the volume of stories in your newsfeed each day. is introducing “The State of Education,” a weekly roundup of Alabama education stories. We’ll pick stories that highlight different news, issues and solutions that impact schools, children and families. You’ll get those picks delivered straight to your inbox. Easy!

Sign up for “The State of Education” here.

The Alabama Education Lab is a team of journalists at who want to help every child in the state get the best education possible.

We talk to parents, teachers, community members and students around Alabama. Ed Lab reporters cover everything from math proficiency to teacher training to mental health to PTA meetings. Since our launch in 2021, we’ve visited schools and events in half the counties in Alabama, with a goal to step foot in every part of the state.

In 2023, we’re working on stories that explain the most confusing issues and vexing problems in Alabama schools. And we want to highlight the people around the state who are working to fix those problems.

All of the Ed Lab’s stories publish on; you can find them collected here.

Our best stories and projects come from reader ideas and input. Is there an issue in your community that deserves coverage? A problem that needs solving? A solution that deserves more applause? We’d love to hear about them.

To learn more about our mission and how to financially support our work, go here or send questions to me at [email protected].