Miss Manners: Who should walk me down the aisle after losing my dad?

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My Daddy passed during COVID. I have two great-uncles, and my Daddy has three brothers who are still with us. The oldest brother has done a lot for me, both now and before I lost both of my parents. I’ve been seeing a man for a few years now, and he has asked me to marry him. I told him yes, but that he has to meet my Daddy’s family and spend time with them and see if he feels the same after that. He said OK.

Which of my uncles or great-uncles should he talk to, and who walks me down the aisle?

GENTLE READER: Whomever you want, and as many of them as you like.

As so many brides fail to understand, the idea is not to cast a role, but to reflect a relationship. The oldest uncle seems a good choice, as he has done a lot for you, and also because he might now be considered the head of the family.

But as you are obviously so close to your father’s family, Miss Manners would find it charming if you included all of them. A suitor who is willing to face such a group (although they are likely to be well-disposed) should be a valuable addition to the family. And while your wedding guests would be amused to see multiple devoted escorts on the aisle, they should also find it very touching.

Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanners.com, by email to [email protected], or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.