Alabama Business Intelligence Center director says the state’s economic future is bright

Alabama Business Intelligence Center director says the state’s economic future is bright

In fall of 2022 the Economic Development Partnership of Alabama (EDPA) announced the launch of the new Alabama Business Intelligence Center (ABIC), a centralized research hub within EDPA’s Birmingham office designed to collect and analyze data to assist with business and economy growth throughout the state as The Lede previously reported.

Birmingham business opportunity nonprofit, Opportunity Alabama (OPAL) stepped forward to provide a third of ABIC’s funding through a CARES Act Allocation they received in 2021.

Leading up to ABIC’s launch the EDPA also announced that that they had selected former financial analyst Lauren Hyde to lead ABIC as executive director.

In a previous interview with The Lede Hyde shared a long-term goal to transform Alabama into the next Silicon Valley for business growth.

Six months later Hyde says she is still loving every day in her new role and is “optimistic” about Alabama’s economic future even amidst recession worries.