Miss Manners: I don’t want to touch strangers’ germ-infested hands
DEAR MISS MANNERS: Is there a polite way to avoid shaking hands with strangers? I was in a car dealership, and every employee I encountered extended a hand to me, expecting me to shake it.
I know that they were just trying to appear friendly and open. But I also know that this is a good way to transmit diseases and pathogenic microorganisms. Many people do not have good hand-washing practices, especially after using the restroom, and it grosses me out to have to touch their hands.
An infectious disease specialist has even stated that the practice of shaking hands should be abandoned.
GENTLE READER: Miss Manners generally agrees with you, but worries that the social disease of being unwilling to participate in formalities is also dangerous. If you can gracefully finesse another gesture — waving, or, in less formal situations, a fist bump — Miss Manners will allow it.
Adding “I’m healthy, but don’t want you to risk it” will perhaps take away some of the sting. If all else fails, carrying hand sanitizer with you and discreetly applying it after handshakes may be a short-term solution.
Please send your questions to Miss Manners at missmanners.com, by email to [email protected], or through postal mail to Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.