190 Alabama UAW union members strike against Mercedes supplier

190 Alabama UAW union members strike against Mercedes supplier

About 190 members of the United Auto Workers this morning began striking against Mercedes-Benz supplier ZF in Tuscaloosa.

“Local 2083 is standing in solidarity to fight for their right to have a strong contract and support their future,” a statement on the UAW website states.

ZF Chassis Systems is a tier-1 supplier for Vance’s Mercedes-Benz US International plant, making drive train components. It has been operating in Tuscaloosa for 26 years and employs more than 300 people.

UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith and several Region 8 International staffers recently visited the local to show their support.

The strike comes after the local voted down a third contract proposal, according to the union. Healthcare, wages and tier structures are the main issues.

Tony Sapienza, a spokesman for ZF North America, said the company is “committed to continuing negotiations in good faith and (is) hopeful that we can come to a resolution soon. The plant continues to run during these discussions.”

Attempts to contact Mercedes-Benz were not immediately successful.

The UAW began a strike on Friday against Detroit’s “Big Three” automakers in what has been dubbed the “Stand Up Strike.” There are currently 13,000 workers in Detroit in a walkout that is the first of its kind in that the union is taking on all three simultaneously.

Alabama’s automakers – Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, Honda and Mazda-Toyota – have largely resisted large-scale unionization, as have all other Southern car marking plants.